What is Design and Technology knowledge?

Thoughts on knowledge in Design and Technology…

With the National Curriculum review underway between February and April 2013, there has been a lot of talk about what knowledge is in Design and Technology. With the focus on “essential knowledge [and] fundamental operations” (DFE, 2011: 6) the relationship between D&T and knowledge has been under the spotlight. When the subject was originally conceived, knowledge was viewed as a “resource to be used” (DES/WO, 1988:29) in design and technology activity.

Education for Engineering (E4E) have presented their New Principles for Design and Technology in the Curriculum, which take a ‘tool kit’ approach, identifying design, technology, critiquing and data tools. Whilst there is work to be done if this was to be developed as a programme of study, it does provide a set of ‘lenses’ to evaluate and plan design and technology. It certainly provides a (more) rigorous framework than the DFE’s draft programme of study.

Similarly, the Design Council released their 5 Principles of Design Education: Build a design literate society; Apply user-centred design methods; Ensure a multidisciplinary approach is at the heart of learning; Develop technical skills; Be embedded within an industrial, academic and cultural framework.

Both E4E and the Design Council’s ‘principles’ have merit and value, demanding further discussion and analysis (which I’m not going to do here!). What I’ve been thinking of recently is knowledge areas in D&T. This has been influenced by a number discussions that I have been involved with amongst teachers and teacher educators. The current political ideology informing the curriculum ‘reforms’ undervalues process and activity, which have been the areas that we have been most comfortable with in D&T.

What is Design and Technology?

The mindmap above, shows my first attempt at trying to unpick the knowledge that contributes to the D&T processes. Initially (as you can see above) my thinking was around internal (design) and external (material) knowledge. However, there is another area that this doesn’t take into consideration; that of knowledge of products (see below), which in some aspects is a synthesis between design and materials areas. However, this does not account for the social and cultural aspects of D&T, such as fitness for purpose and designing for real human contexts.

knowledge in D&T

Bodies of knowledge in design and technology (annotated and updated 28th April 2013)

On further analysis, ‘materials’ as an area of knowledge begins to break down, as in D&T we can also be working with components, ingredients and (even) ideas/concepts. So how about ‘technologies’ as the third area? This viewing technology as human interaction with the material world, rather than specific ‘artefacts’ of technology.

So does this lead use to be in a position to develop a taxonomy of design and technology activity? This is something that Mike Martin, my colleague at LJMU, has been thinking about as well. In other words, defining broad categories (albeit overlapping) of knowledge. What is below is my first attempt at drawing together the conversations and past versions of the D&T programmes of study, with D&T being built on knowledge of designing, knowledge of products and knowledge of technologies

A taxonomy of Design and Technology?


Design thinking & designing


  • Identify and gather primary and secondary data appropriate to each design context/project
  • Analyse data for specific contexts and briefs (and specifications)


  • Use appropriate ‘tools’ for generating ideas
  • Record ideas using words and drawings (2D and 3D) appropriate to the technological domain


  • 2D and 3D modelling and development of ideas (representational and prototyping)
  • Use ICT for simulation and design


  • Presenting ideas visually and aurally
  • Drawings, diagrams and models


  • Managing design projects and manufacturing processes


  • Analysing, synthesising and evaluating ideas, products and systems
  • Understand the impact of design decisions and evaluate against design specifications


Products, systems & environments

Fitness for purpose:

  • Functionality / fitness for purpose / authenticity
  • User and market

Creativity and innovation:

  • Market and technological push and pull
  • Comparing and evaluating products


  • Cultural aspects of design, e.g. aesthetics, function
  • Knowledge of British and global designers/innovators


Materials, components & ingredients


  • Electronics and control
  • Food
  • Materials (resistant & compliant)
    • Wood, metal, plastic, textiles, (ceramics)

Properties of materials:

  • Physical/chemical
  • Working
  • Natural, man-made (including smart and modern) materials

Processing of materials:

  • Addition
  • Subtraction/wastage
  • Forming/moulding
  • Combining/joining

Origins of materials:

  • Sustainability, sourcing and selecting of materials, components and ingredients
  • Life Cycle Analysis

Control Systems:

  • Knowledge of open and closed systems

Information and Communication Technologies:

  • Use ICT to design, manufacture and evaluate
  • Use collaborative technologies to work creatively as individuals and teams

Note: this is a starting point for conversation and ‘thinking aloud’. 


DES/WO (1988) National Curriculum Design and Technology Working Group: Interim Report. London: Department for Education and Science/Welsh Office.

DFE (2011) The Framework for the National Curriculum. A report by the Expert Panel for the National Curriculum review. London: Department for Education. Available at: https://www.education.gov.uk/publications/standard/publicationDetail/Page1/DFE-00135-2011 [last accessed 14th April 2013]

2 thoughts on “What is Design and Technology knowledge?

  1. Thanks for this Matt, it adds to the ongoing debate about what is knowledge in design and technology and secondly, what is the purpose (function) of knowledge in design and technology.
    I’ve been reading Hirsch’s The Knowledge Deficit, a book on Gove’s reading list (if you want to get inside the mind of the man you have to read what he is reading). Hirsch’s underpinning thesis seems to be that gaining general knowledge is the pre-requisite for developing high reading skills, such as comprehension, which in turn is the pre-requisite for raising achievement. Now, if we turn that into design and technology language it becomes: gaining general design and technology knowledge is the pre-requisite for developing high level design and technology capability, which in turn is the pre-requisite for improving the quality of life (big step here I know as I’m asserting that a high level of design and technology capability I society will have a wide implication for society). So, if I believe that knowledge is the foundation stone (I’m still debating that as I dont agree with Hirsch completely) then what is the required design and technology general knowledge?
    You’ve written an interesting list here Matt, but it seems to be generated from a historic assumption that this knowledge is:
    a. General and
    b. the right knowledge.
    Finally, my fear is, if we have alist of knowledge for design and technology as our curriculum do we ru the risk that some teachers will miss the point of the knowledge? That is, it’s not a list to be taught and learnt by rote but a foundation of learning which can be used in design and technology activity?

    • Hi Alison,

      Thanks for commenting. I agree, and am wary about tightly defining knowledge in D&T too. What I’d like to explore is creating general and open categories of knowledge in D&T activity, which could be revisited, revised and redescribed.

      I still believe that the origins of D&T are in the application of knowledge from a wide range of sources as stated in the National Curriculum Design and Technology Working Group Interim Report (DES/WO, 1988). However, I’m conscious of the accusations of ‘epistemological weakness’, which I think we need to deal with as a community. Ultimately, I’d seek to undermine (question) the over reliance in epistemology, in favour of ontological (being) and praxiological (action) perspectives, but I think we’re (I’m) a long way off that!

      I like what Mike (Martin) began exploring around making in a blog post (Oct 2012 – linked above): Measuring, Changing properties, Cutting, Forming, Joining, Wasting, Combining, Adding. These are areas of practical knowledge that relate to almost all materials (it seems to work reasonably well for ‘resistant’ materials, fabrics and food).

      I guess that one of the mistakes (in my opinion) that some philosophers and theorists (or those interpreting and applying what they say) sometimes make is to find a metaphor or system that seems to work and (a) assume that it applies in all situations/contexts and (b) assume that the mind works in a linear and consistent manner. I must have a closer look at Hirsch, as I believe that he is not altogether happy about the way Gove has interpreted his theory.

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